Friday, February 3, 2012

Shop Girl Focus: Elisse at Flights of Fancy

This month's Shop Girl Focus features Elisse at Flights of Fancy.  Her shop is located within The Alcoves in Greenwood, SC.  Elisse stocks jewelry, accessories, baby/toddler gifts, stationery, and more!  She has been a Bella Ink customer since 2005.  We love the vibrant blue walls in her space.  They're so cheerful.  The perfect cure for the winter doldrums.

So Elisse...

Q: What motivated you to go into the stationery business?
A: When I was little, instead of playing with dolls, I collected and stored paper!  I wouldn't let anyone use it, and I didn't use it myself.  I just wanted to sit it on the shelf like a store.  My mom always said, "You will own a paper store one day," and boy was she right!  (These days, I do allow people to actually buy it off my shelves and use it!!!)

Q: Who was your first celebrity crush?
A: Oh my, I'm going to date myself, but... probably Ricky Schroeder from Silver Spoons!

Q: What haven't you done in life that you most want to do?
A: I by no means have a thrill-packed life, but there isn't anything that makes me feel like I'm missing out on living life.

Q: Will you be attending the National Stationery Show this year?
A: No, but I'd love to go one day when life's schedule allows.  For now, I attend Americasmart in Atlanta, which is a fabulous resource for me.

Q: What was your proudest moment as a businesswoman in 2011?
A: Probably my 4th quarter sales!  My sales doubled over the last year, and in this economy, that's huge!

Q: What are you looking forward to most in 2012?
A: I'd love to start a blog for my business.  That thought excites me... I just need someone to send me extra hours in the day.

Q: Who is your "IT" girl?
A: I'm not a celebrity-observer, so my "IT" girl is actually a dear friend... she embodies everything I think makes a woman fascinating... style, kindness, sincerity, dedication to family, and a fantabulous personality!

Q: Do you  have a philosophy that you live by?
A: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -Philippians 4:13

Q: What is your favorite method of communication?
A: Definitely email!  But Facebook is making its way up to the top of my list as well.

Q: Did you have a nickname as a child?  Do you have one now?
A: Oh, gee.  Yes, and I HATED it... it was "bug."  Thanks a lot, Mom.  I made my parents stop calling me that by charging them a quarter every time they said it, and that worked like a charm.  Happy to say I have escaped nicknames in my adult years!

Q: Besides stationery shows, where do you like to scout out new vendors?
A: Finding new products and vendors is one of my favorite obsessions!  I scour the Internet, look through Stationery Trends magazine, and one of my new favs... Pinterest!  It's great because you can actually see what your customers and friends are finding appealing.

Q: What would you like to see more of from your stationery manufacturers?
A: Most of my business is gift, so I always love anything new that packages up to make a great teacher gift, birthday gift, etc., but at a price that doesn't break the wallet!

Q: Fashionably late is...
A: Preferred by me, but aggravates the hound out of my husband.  So I'm not allowed.  Boo.

Q: If it's potluck, your go-to dish is...
A: Cheesy apples!  Don't ask.  It's a Paula Deen recipe and it involves butter and sugar galore...

Q: What is your favorite trend for the Spring/Summer 2012 stationery season?
A: I'm liking the sophistication I'm seeing.  Don't get me wrong, us girls here in the south love our cuteness, but I think the market has been saturated with that for awhile.  I'm enjoying the themes and patterns that show an air of refinement at a great price without sacrificing on quality for customers.

Thank you for participating in our Q&A, Elisse!  We hope you have a successful 2012.

You can find Flights of Fancy at:
601 Montague Avenue (Within The Alcoves)
Greenwood, SC 29649
P: 864-223-5324

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